Saturday 18 August 2012

50 Shades of Grey - The painted colour of unfulfilled relationships.

Last night I had the absolute privilege of attending The Presidents Dinner at Etihad Stadium, and it was so amazing to be surrounded by wonderful people who were very successful. The engagement in conversation, the appreciation of the beauty of life, the support and genuine interest in my field of work... everything about why they were there was intoxicating and inspiring.

Amongst these wonderful people I felt very comfortable. So comfortable in fact, we stumbled across conversation topics I wouldn’t imagine having in that environment. The 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon... as you do! I don’t know if it is the fact that I tend to hang around a lot of males, or if it is the fact that I am very comfortable talking about sex... or the fact that love, relationships and sex are a part of my everyday life in my business - but a great deal of my conversations tend to end up talking about that very topic... SEX!
So, 50 Shades of Grey? I have heard it be described as ‘Porn for Women in Words’ and the women are proud of it! I took advantage of my new home in the heart of Melbourne and took a journey with Metro to see how many women I could see reading the book. Man, this thing is everywhere. Every single woman who is reading this, owns it, or simply carries it around with them has it posted on Facebook, Twitter (all social media for that matter) and makes sure they are seen to be reading it. I use the term ‘every single woman’ as very much a play on words.

How many single women are reading this book? Turns out, it is a very small percentage. How many coupled/married women are reading this book? Turns out, a hell of a lot. 
I have had a number of people ask me if I have read it, and when I explain that I have not... I get a really curious “Why?”
My question is “Why?” are you reading it? I actually had a friend tell me the other day that one of his female friends has the whole series, but has not read any as of yet. For obvious reasons, he proceeded to ask “Why?” Only to receive a response which opened my eyes to what was actually going on - “I will wait until I am in a relationship to read it”
Now - make sense of that.

So, I went one further. I asked women who were seemingly in very fulfilled relationships if they had read the book, or had any interest in reading the book. Finally! A breakthrough - not only had they not read it, but they had absolutely no interest in reading it.
Has 50 Shades of Grey become the new colour of unfulfilled relationships? I know that this is a massive generalization - but the concept is amazing me!

Interestingly, men are fighting back! In a way which I find super logical and true to the male form, in which I adore. How is it OK for women to be galavanting around with a public display of porn (pretty much), yet men are criticized for ‘watching’ porn? The same thing, yet in a different form? Men are stimulated by visual, when women are very much stimulated by storyline and words. Is it OK because everyone else is doing it and the sheer volume of women who have jumped on board the bandwagon has made it socially acceptable? Is there any women out there that are shy or bashful to read about hardcore sex, bondage and S&M in public? Is it because it is a private and internal experience? 

I love when I see a woman reading it with a smirk on her face. Even for a female, I wonder... what is she thinking? What is being stimulated behind that smirk? Who is she imagining whilst reading? What does she do with that sexual excitement the book has provided her? Could it be possible that this has improved her sex life with her partner? Could it be possible that her expectations have changed in sex with her partner? Has the thought of having an exciting affair crossed her mind in a stern fashion? and... here come the questions. What is the underlying effect this book is having on these women?

Women do a wonderful job at keeping their true sexual thoughts and desires behind closed doors - which is a great thing for their male partner. But, is this taking it to a new level? Are we going to see a new baby boom? We can call it the 50 Shades of Grey Baby Boom!

Samantha K

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