Friday 25 January 2013

Can a rebound relationship ever turn into a long-term relationship? Does it ever really work out?

We never enter into a relationship hoping it to fail, hoping that we will waste our time with someone all to lead up to it not working out and breaking up. Break-ups can be really tough and we tend to spend a great deal of time looking back at what happened… how did it get to this. We find ourselves asking questions like “Was it something I did? Is there something wrong with me?” And even at the same time we can be asking, “How can I ever trust the opposite sex again? Are they all the same?”
Break ups and relationship break drowns can cause us to look at the world differently, do things we would never imagine we would do and even tap into some nasty little capabilities that we didn’t know existed within us. Some people take the actions of one person out on the rest of the world. Some people go to drastic measures to get their partner back. And some even go to such extents as to act with spite, jealously and cruel intentions. So, what is the best way to deal with a break up? Do we need to reset our three neural networks, being our brain, heart and stomach, in order to get back on track? Looking at the actions, thoughts and feelings that people encounter during a break up, it looks like it is absolutely necessary.

So, what is the real reason behind why people will seek and enter into a ‘rebound’ relationship? Is a rebound relationship simply filling the gap of the person who has gone? Is a rebound relationship doing the job of taking your mind off your ex? Subconsciously, your brain will actually understand what you are doing. Think of it like this; you know when you fall over and hurt your knee or smack your funny bone (which is never a funny experience) into the wall and the first thing you immediately do is to rub it? What you are actually doing is disturbing and interrupting the nerve endings and confusing the pain that you feel in that area, coincidently you are also reducing your heart rate. So as it seems, a rebound relationship is rubbing the knee… ?
They say that you cannot be happy and love another until you are happy and love yourself. Unless you are capable of moving into a new relationship shortly after a break up, you will simply be enjoying that feeling of rubbing your knee!

How long can you rub your knee for keeping it feeling good, natural and sustainable?

Samantha K

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